HCC model for small molecules targeted therapy (GenuineSelect-HCC-smtt)

Target-independent cell killing (TICK) is a common effect observed with anticancer drugs. Unconsidering TICK during drug development may lead to an overestimation of the anticancer capacity of a drug candidate resulting in clinical trial failures because of the lack of clinical efficacy.

PredictCan Biotechnologies uses the cell educating technology to generate a cohort of healthy educated spheroids to determine the TICK effect of a drug prior to evaluate its efficacy on HCC patient-educated spheroids. This approach permits us to confidently conclude on the therapeutic efficacy of the drug de-risking clinical failures.

STEP 1: Determination of the target-independent cell killing effect

STEP 2: Evaluation of the drug efficacy on a cohort of treated HCC patients

Evaluation of sorafenib efficacy on a cohort of HCC patients
Determination of the true therapeutic efficacy of sorafenib by target-independent cell killing exclusion. Sorafenib has a therapeutic efficacy only on a 79-year-old male () and on a 67-year-old male ().

Comparative analysis of the response to sorafenib on a cohort of HCC patients.

High predictive power of the clinical outcome by GenuineSelect-HCC-smtt

Case reports showing that GenuineSelect-HCC-smtt could accurately predict the clinical outcome to sorafenib.

Male, 58-year-old BCLC-C, Child-Pugh A

Male, 67-year-old BCLC-C, Child-Pugh A

Multidrug efficacy testing using GenuineSelect-HCC-smtt

HCC educated spheroids were generated from a 74-year-old male and then tested for the responsiveness to FDA-approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Results were reported 1 week later.